
Dual 18

High/Low Speed Super Gloss Floor Finish

New and Improved Formula!

Dual 18 is the ideal polymer floor coating for use in high speed and low speed buffing programs. Easy to apply and easily maintained. Use Dual 18 as both a seal and a finish. Excellent in scrub and recoat programs. Outstanding appearance on resilient tile, synthetic, rubber, linoleum, and terrazzo floors. Dual 18 is easily applied with a mop or applicator system. Dries quickly for rapid recoating. Superior gloss and mark resistance.

Slip Resistance is greater than 0.5% coefficient of friction. Meets or exceeds ASTM D-2047.


  • Dual purpose for use in high speed and low speed buffing programs
  • Brilliant gloss and appearance
  • Reduces maintenance costs
  • Durable, mark resistant
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Pack Size Reorder #
4 x 1 round gallon NL136-G4
5 gallon pail NL136-P5
30 gallon drum* NL136-D30
55 gallon drum* NL136-D55






*Indicates non-stocked item. Check with Nyco for ship times.



Color: Opaque White

Scent: Acrylic

pH: 8.0 – 8.8


Read the entire label and SDS for proper use, handling and storage before using this product.

Application: For best results, floors should be clean and/or old coatings removed and the floor neutralized.

  1. Apply finish in full uniform coats.
  2. Allow to dry before recoating.
  3. For maximum performance, apply additional coats of finish until the desired level of appearance and protection is achieved.
  4. Allow to dry thoroughly before reopening up area for traffic.

Buffing: This finish can be spray buffed or high speed buffed. Follow directions of buffing compound.
Stripping: This finish can be removed using a high quality Nyco stripping solution.